Reason 4 does not recognize Akai controllers by default. You have to add the Remote Files so that Reason 4 recognizes the MIDI control settings.
How to get Reason 4 to recognize the MPD18 in your Keyboards/Control Surfaces preferences
As of writing this, the documentation that I received with the MPD18 (Quick Start Manual PDF on the included CD) did not explain how to do this. What you need to do is download the Akai Reason Remote Files for the other controllers such as the MPD24. You'll use the MPD24 files to make Reason 4 recognize the MPD18 pads/controls.
Step 1: Download the Akai Reason Remote Files
(These can also be found by going to and clicking on Products > Software Controllers > MPD24 > Docs & Downloads > Reason Remote Files)
Install the Akai Reason Remote Files (Lua Codecs and Maps)
Read the Installation Instructions PDF that comes with the download for the instructions of where to copy the files within OS X, XP, or Vista, and how to get them to work with Reason. In a nutshell, this means finding the program folder for Propellorhead Software and then adding the Akai folders that you downloaded to the Codecs and Maps directories with the rest of the manufacturer settings (Alesis, Edirol, M-Audio, Korg, etc.). Why these do not come bundled with Reason I do not know. Akai should consider working that out since the controller is recognized in Logic automatically.
Step 2: Open Reason > Go to Preferences > Keyboards and Control Surfaces > Click on Add
In the Manufacturer drop down menu, select Akai, then select the MPD24 in the Model drop down. For the In Port select the MPD18 and for the Out Port select MPD18. Click OK and things should be working.
Other notes about the controller:
MPD18 Editor
The program editor included with the software allows you to change the notes that are mapped to the pads. If you want Redrum to work properly in order of the channels 1-10, corresponding to pads 1-0, you'll want to take the following steps:
From the factory, the presets should be mapped to Pads 1-16 and you can change them by holding the Presets button down and tapping the pad that corresponds to the program you want. But in case you want to customize or change them, here is how to do so:
Open the MPD18 Editor. Click on Load Preset: Navigate to the MPD18 Editor folder and the MPD18-preset_v4 folder and choose Pgm01-Chromatic, then click on the Commit - Upload button. This will send it to the MPD18.
To choose the preset on the MPD18, you'll want to hold the Presets button and tap Pad1 to choose the Pgm01-Chromatic preset.
How Note Repeat works (manual configuration)
This is how you can use the popular MPC swing settings that come with all MPC units.
The NR Config has a flashing light by default. This is the tempo that Note Repeat is set to work at. It stands for Note Repeat Config.
Hold the NR Config button down and tap the tempo on PAD 16/Tap Tempo to assign the tempo that you want Note Repeat to sync with.
Hold the Presets button and hit the pad that has the Swing and/or the timing (1/8, 1/16T) value that you want.
This will configure the Note Repeat function manually.